Spring Seedling
a seasonal workshop exchange series in dance, movement and somatics
March 2022:
Heart, Ground and Rhythm
on wonders of joy and caring support in movement

Join us for a one day celebration and workshop sessions, exploring the joy of movement!
About The Spring Seedling
The theme for the first Spring Seedling event will centre around the Heart, Ground and Rhythm, alongside Joy. We will seek to explore different ways in which we can bring joy to movement, in all its different forms.
Through the workshop exchanges, we will be exploring different ways in which we can access different parts of the body, bringing awareness, energy and joy of movement to each. We will consider how the ground can be used to support us in our movement and growth. We will explore the role of the heart and rhythm within, and for, the joy of movement. Throughout the course of the day, we will seek to find new entry points into this year’s theme, always opening ourselves to emerging possibilities, perspectives and opportunities presented by the workshop leaders, as well as the participants themselves.
Through the workshop exchanges, you will be able to explore your own quality of movement and learn how you too can use movement for support. From using dance and movement to support yourself, to helping others to provide support for themselves in a range of contexts. You will gain insight into how you can use movement and somatic practices for self-care, growth and wellbeing.
The sessions are a welcoming and open environment, approached first and foremost with a sense of curiosity and exploration. Guided by experienced somatic practitioners, participants will be invited to make new discoveries and connections throughout the course of the day. It is designed to be an event for existing practitioners of dance and somatic movement, as well as those who are new to the field, but wish to develop their understanding and experience.

Structure of the Day
The Spring Seedling will consist of three workshops, each lasting 1.5 – 2 hours. Each workshop will be led by an experienced practitioner, who will be using their individual practice and methodology to explore this year’s theme.
The event will conclude with a final exchange session, in which practitioners and participants will be invited to engage in a time of shared reflection, from the perspectives of practice and of the theme, and finally, to reflect on what was achieved during the course of the day itself. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions and share thoughts for further consideration and enquiry.
To view or download the full schedule, please see below:
Workshop Leaders
Workshop Descriptions​ (More Information Coming Soon)
workshop facilitation: Martina Polleros, MA, RSME/T
How silent must we become to hear our heart?
Many people, who are exposed to the pressure of our time, have lost the connection to their sensuous, caring, tenderhearted bodies.
With a drastic outcome for our physical and psychic health exhaustion, anxiety, depression and various other health conditions.
Our body is our first home. It is through our body that we experience and act upon the world. Every now and then it is time to come home and find rest, nourishment and to become still and listen to the song and movement of who we are.
This Workshop is dedicated to homecoming, to heart listening, to self-care and self-exploration. Through movement, dance and stillness I invite you to reconnect, to deeply dive into your body, your heart and listen…
Body Streaming
workshop facilitation: Dr Anna Dako, RSME/T
With what vibrational tones and movement frequencies does the Earth connect with the heart in the moment of emotional release?
How can we listen to the pounding rhythms of the ground with childlike and curious feet?, and
How come that the heart always yearns for joy, found in connection beyond words but flooded in heartfelt sound?
In this explorative workshop we will be guided by such questions, in movement, but more importantly, we will be guided by the beats felt, heard, and streamed from within our embodied and living sound-scaping.
We will be finding rhythms, we will be finding sounds, we will be finding silence too, and we will be tuning into the sound-ful dialoguing in search for inner joy while opening our hearts.
What might your joyous inner landscape feel like in movement?
Grounded Flow: Negotiating body, space, rhythm, and breath
workshop facilitation: Francis Angol
Embodied Flow – Negotiating body, space, rhythm, and breath
Synthesising cultural traditions with contemporary norms through body, space, rhythm, and breath, is the state of play moving from one’s inner space.
Through movement we can learn about ourselves and our environment, and how that supports our learning of everything we do and of what and who we are.
Embodied Flow, an opportunity allowing the individual to move with the consciousness to move, and the unconsciousness to be moved, engaging through physical will, and emotional surrender.
Release the body within an inner state of inter-connected flow to experience and explore the inner sensations, feelings, and emotions of will and surrender.
Deepen one’s awareness, as you traverse the body through a widening field of possibilities, to release the body within a state of physical and spiritual flow.
A chance to tap into the unspoken rhythmic dialogue between the inner and outer landscape of one’s being, to rejuvenate the body, allowing one to experience the life that is, rather than the lifestyle that one may shadow.
Date and Venue
Saturday 26th March 2022 at The Schoolhill Studio (Citymoves) Aberdeen, Scotland.
(The Schoolhill Studio, Triplekirks, Top Floor, Schoolhill, Aberdeen, AB10 1JS)
The event will run from 9.30am until 6pm, with the first workshop starting at 10am. For a full schedule of the day's event, see here.
We will be following guidelines in accordance with Safe Practice for Covid 19 and Social Distancing. For more information and to see the risk assessment in place at The Schoolhill Studio, please see the link here.
​​Register and Buy Tickets​
Tickets for The Spring Seedling are now available to purchase directly from MINDBODY online bookings service by Citymoves! Just follow the link below.
*Please note: If you don't already have a Mindbody profile, you'll need to create one before you can make your booking. You can then find The Spring Seedling event under the 'Enrolments' tab.
Welcome Pack
To access the welcome pack, please follow this link.
The welcome pack contains all the information that you need to make the most of your time at the event, including details of how to get to the venue and what you need to bring with you, as well as some information about accommodation and local places of interest that you may want to visit during your time in Aberdeen.
Event organised by Dunami - Movement | Arts | Wellbeing
Event organised in collaboration with Citymoves, Aberdeen
Event supported and funded by Aberdeen City Council:

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