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Earth Day 2020 – The Art of Listening: Let Nature Do the Talking

Writer's picture: annaadakoannaadako

Updated: Apr 17, 2020

An official Individual Initiative supported by Earth Day Network (

In honour of Earth Day on the 22nd April 2020, we at Dunami would like to invite you to participate in a small individual happening – a creative contemplation Anywhere Outdoors in Nature.

Please join us in shared time for a two-hour, individual artistic encounter with Nature in active listening and No Talking.

Anywhere Outdoors in Nature - Natural Nature Reserves

The outbreak of Coronavirus is forcing us all to adapt the way we live and interact. However, our relationship with Nature has perhaps never been more important. Spending time outdoors has been shown to have huge benefits for improving mental wellbeing, as well as physical wellness:

“We recognise that this will be a very stressful and anxious time for many people, and spending time outdoors and connecting with nature can provide a real boost for both physical and mental health. In a recent survey, around 9 in 10 outdoors visitors reported benefits to their mental and physical wellbeing, with 67% saying it helped them to relax and unwind and 64% saying it improved their physical health.

Where possible we would encourage people to relax and keep active by continuing to explore and enjoy their local nature reserves, parks and greenspaces.

Even simple activities such as getting out for a walk, breathing fresh air, listening to birdsong or noticing wild flowers can all greatly improve our wellbeing during this time of uncertainty and stress.” Scottish Natural Heritage

Most Natural Nature Reserves continue to be open to the public, although social distancing guidelines are expected to be followed. These natural spaces, including Newburgh Beach, where Anna will be reflecting, provide a fantastic space for us to pause, take time to engage in listening to sounds other than human noise.

An Invitation…

Join us in your own creative contemplation, from 10 am – 12pm on 22nd April 2020 Anywhere Outdoors in Nature, whilst we engage in listening with No Talking.

Whatever your preferred or chosen method of creativity, expression and exploration – it is welcome! There is no limit on the type, style or form of art you wish to create. Perhaps you want to bring your dancing/moving self to the space, or create a piece of art with some pastels? Maybe a pen and notebook are your chosen form, whilst you let the words flow freely and release your inner writer. Or perhaps you want to hum melodies in response to the sounds around us?

This is an opportunity to devote yourself to 2 hours of No Talking, to refresh our minds, bodies and spirit and an invitation to experience ‘being in silence’ while sensing in/with Nature.

Allow yourself to become immersed in this natural setting, staying open to what is unfolding. Whether you choose to spend two hours in artistic response, or prefer to simply sit or walk in contemplation, we warmly welcome you to join us in this shared experience and individual initiative.

Let us deepen our inborn connection to the natural world beyond the spoken word. Join us in creating some detoxifying time for the Earth for those precious hours – one small step at a time! Help us create this shared and supportive presence for all life.

Let us create shared time and space, as we take the same two hours to offer our appreciative presence to Nature, in silence.

We invite you to share your own documentation by uploading any images, writing, photography or recordings that you make during/as a result of the event. Upload your creative explorations on our website, using the comments. Thank you so much for sharing!

We fully support and endorse the policy of social/physical distancing. We will be following all the guidelines to ensure our own health and safety and that of others. Please refer to the following documents for more information and guidance:

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